How To Fish For Largemouth Bass In The Spring

Are you looking for tips to catch more largemouth bass this spring? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know to land that trophy-sized bass. Spring is a great time to fish for largemouth bass, as they start to become more active after the winter months. Here are some tips to help you catch more largemouth bass this spring:

Largemouth Bass
Largemouth Bass


Choose the right gear. You’ll want to use a medium to heavy rod and reel with 10-20 lb test line. A variety of lures can be effective, such as crankbaits, spinnerbaits, and soft plastics.

Water Depth

Look for shallow water. Largemouth bass tend to move into shallower water as the water temperature warms up in the spring. Look for areas with cover, such as weed beds, fallen trees, or docks.


Pay attention to the weather. Largemouth bass tend to be more active when the weather is warm and sunny. On cloudy or cooler days, they may be more difficult to catch.

Slow Your Retrieve

Use a slow retrieve. In colder water, largemouth bass may be less willing to chase after fast-moving lures. A slow and steady retrieve can be more effective in enticing them to bite.


Experiment with different lures. Fish can be finicky, so don’t be afraid to try different lures until you find what works. A crankbait that works one day may not be effective the next, so be prepared to switch things up.

Time Of Day

Fish during the right time of day. They tend to be most active in the early morning and late afternoon. Fishing during these times can increase your chances of catching them.

Water Temp

Pay attention to the water temperature. The bass tend to be most active when the water temperature is between 60-80°F. If the water temperature is outside of this range, they may be less likely to bite.

Sweat The Technique

Use the right technique. Different lures and baits require different techniques to be effective. For example, a spinnerbait may be more effective when retrieved quickly with a jerking motion, while a soft plastic may require a slower, more subtle presentation.

Fishing for largemouth bass in the spring requires the right gear, location, and technique. Pay attention to the weather and water temperature, and be willing to experiment with different lures and baits until you find what works. With some practice and patience, you can enjoy a successful day of largemouth bass fishing this spring.

Last Post: Finding A Good Fishing Spot