The Top 5 Survival Skills That You Need to Know.

Heading out into the wilderness can be a fun and exciting adventure, but it can also be dangerous if you’re not prepared. Whether you’re going on a day hike or a multi-day camping trip, it’s important to have some basic survival skills in case of an emergency. In this article, we’ll cover the top 5 survival skills that you need to know and provide a “how-to” guide for each one.

Survival Skills
Making a Fire

Starting a Fire

Starting a fire is one of the most important survival skills that you can have. Fire provides warmth, light, and the ability to cook food and purify water. To start a fire, you’ll need a few things: tinder (dry grass, leaves, or paper), kindling (small twigs), and fuel (larger logs or branches).

To start a fire, create a small pile of tinder and light it with a match or lighter. Once the tinder is burning, add the kindling on top, making sure that it’s arranged in a teepee shape. Blow gently on the fire to help it spread, and add fuel as needed. Remember to never leave a fire unattended and to make sure it’s completely extinguished before leaving it.

29-in-1 Survival Kit
Survival Kit

Building a Shelter

A shelter can protect you from the elements and keep you warm and dry. To build a shelter, look for a spot that’s protected from the wind and rain, and gather materials such as branches, leaves, and grass.

Lean branches against a tree or create a frame using long branches to form the shape of the shelter. Cover the frame with leaves or grass, making sure to overlap them to keep out rain and wind. You can also use a tarp or emergency blanket if you have one.

Finding and Purifying Water

Water is essential for survival, but it’s not always easy to find in the wilderness. Look for sources of water such as rivers, streams, and lakes. If you can’t find a water source, collect dew or rainwater by using a clean cloth or plastic bag.

Once you’ve found water, it’s important to purify it before drinking it. You can purify water by boiling it for at least 5 minutes, using water purification tablets or drops, or by using a water filter.


Getting lost in the wilderness can be dangerous, so it’s important to know how to navigate. Bring a map and compass with you and learn how to use them before you head out. Pay attention to landmarks such as mountains, rivers, and rock formations to help you stay on track.

If you do get lost, stay calm and try to retrace your steps back to a familiar location. If you’re unable to find your way back, find a spot with good visibility and create a signal to attract help.

Finding and Preparing Food

In a survival situation, it’s important to find food to maintain your energy levels. Look for edible plants such as berries, nuts, and fruits. You can also fish or hunt if you have the necessary skills and tools.

When preparing food, make sure to cook it thoroughly to kill any bacteria or parasites. Avoid eating anything that you’re unsure of or that has a strong smell, as it may be poisonous.

These top 5 survival skills can help you stay safe and alive in the outdoors. Remember to always be prepared and to practice these skills before you head out on your next adventure. With the right knowledge and tools, you can enjoy the beauty of the wilderness while staying safe and prepared. Check out items that you need in your Tackle Box.